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Safety is the cornerstone of our business which includes ensuring you receive the timely and accurate information you deserve. Today, 1.1 million customers received a test text message and 300,000 select customers received a test phone call as part of the second test of our public notification systems. Read on below to learn more about our second notification test of 2023 and what you need to know:
Why is SDG&E conducting a test?
Testing our notification systems is not only an essential component of preparedness but is also an industry best practice and helps us make sure we can reach you and local safety partners with timely and accurate information when timing matters most during future outages, Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) and emergencies. This is the second test of our public notification systems this year. The first took place on June 1, 2023.
What you should receive today:
- On Oct. 18, between 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., approx. 1.1 million residential and business customers within our service area will receive a test text message with a link to this article from one of the following numbers (also known as short codes): 226787, 67283, 78015 or 77295.
- Additionally, 300,000 select customers located throughout the region will also receive a phone call and voice message from 1-800-411-7343, which also serves as our main customer care center number.

What to do next:
If you received the text or call, thank you for being part of our second notification test. No further action is needed. You are urged not to opt out of the message so you can continue to receive timely and accurate information about your gas and electric service in the future, including:
- Warnings about planned or unplanned service outages.
- Updates about service outages or restoration.
- Confirmations of service restoration or information about lack of service.
- Notifications about meter work, tree trimming, or other field work.
- Calls/ texts to notify consumers that they may be eligible for subsidized or low-cost services due to certain qualifiers.
- Information about potential rotating outages due to power grid emergencies.
- Warnings about payment or other problems that threaten service curtailment.
If you did not get the text or call
- Your current phone number may not be in our system. Make sure your cell phone number is correct and up to date in your My Account profile and make sure messages are turned on in your notification preferences, which can be found under the Account tab. Visit or the SDG&E mobile application.
- You may have opted out of SDG&E messages from the past. Customers can opt back in at any time to receive messages from SDG&E by updating their notification preferences on MyAccount or by texting JOIN to 67283.
- Your carrier may be blocking text messages from us and/or labeling them as spam. Please review your phone settings and/or cell phone carrier to ensure you can receive our messages.
Important Note: Rave Mobile Safety by Motorola Solutions is one of the platforms SDG&E uses to send text message notifications. If customers choose to reply STOP to opt out of text messages or JOIN to opt in to receive text messages to any of the short codes listed (226787, 67283, 78015 or 77295), they can expect to receive a reply mentioning Rave, including a link to Rave for more information or a Rave email to request technical support. This reply message is normal.
There are no anticipated Public Safety Power Shutoffs scheduled for Oct. 18. If customers experience a planned or unplanned outage during the time of the test, details and estimated restoration times can be found at